Saturday, December 12, 2009

Fwd: VRC Update

Begin forwarded message:

From: "VEX Robotics Competition" <>
Date: December 11, 2009 3:23:23 PM MST
Subject: VRC Update
Reply-To: "VEX Robotics Competition" <>

Greetings Teams,

It's been about four weeks since the last update and A LOT has happened. Just in the past month over 800 VEX teams have played in about 30 Clean Sweep Competitions in 7 different countries and 13 different US States. Many new teams have now qualified for the 2010 VEX Robotics World Championship April 22-24 in Dallas, Texas. This next week will see almost 400 more teams compete in more events spanning the globe, including Canada, England, Puerto Rico and multiple cities in the US.

Online Challenges Being Announced on Monday, December 14

We will be unveiling 6 Online Challenges for 2010 on Monday. These will include a FUTURE Foundation Product Design Challenge, a game Animation Challenge, a Promotional Video Challenge, a Web Site Design Challenge and a new Digital Prototyping Design Challenge presented by Autodesk for users of Autodesk Inventor. All the specific details and information will be announced on Monday.

2010 VEX World Championship and Hotel Information

Many qualified teams have already registered for the 2010 World Championship, and many more teams will qualify in the coming weeks and months. As teams qualify, be sure to register and to book your hotel rooms to ensure you get your spot and get the discounted hotel rates before they fill up. The three hotels offering special World Championship discounts for VEX teams can be found on the event page at on

Event Results and Qualifying Information

Results of events are now being displayed on the event pages for each tournament. Teams that have won tournaments or been finalists, have come in 1st or 2nd place in Skills Challenges or won the Excellence Award have qualified for the 2010 VEX World Championship and/or the 2010 CREATE Foundation Championship of the Americas. You can check the qualifying criteria and register for each tournament on their specific event pages on

Now over 2200 Teams and 160 Events

Since our last update almost 400 new teams have registered, raising the total number of teams this season to over 2200. The VEX Robotics Competition is now the largest High School and Middle School Robotics Competition Program in the World, and still the fastest growing! One third of the 160 plus events around the world have already taken place with over 100 events still to come. As the season progresses, robot performance seems to get even more impressive each week - keep up the great work! While many of the upcoming events still have space available, almost 30 competitions have already filled up this season and many more are getting close, so be sure to go online and get your teams registered for any upcoming events you know you want to participate in while there are still spots available.

Best of luck to all the teams competing this week – have a great time!


VEX Robotics Competition

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Fwd: Scholarship Opportunity for Students

As we begin preparing for end of fall 2009 semester and a short break from classes, now is a great time to remind students to apply for scholarships and other types of financial aid for the 2010-2011 academic year. Attached is information about a scholarship competition that previously included Phoenix College students. Please share the attached materials and web addresses with students. The deadline has been extended until January 8, 2010. Thank you very much!

Our Voice Our Country Outreach

  The Court of Public Opinion Now Has an Address --


Scholarship Competition
Deadline Extended to Jan. 8

Our Voice Our Country's National Scholarship Competition
deadline has been extended until January 8th, at 8 p.m.
eastern time. This is being done to allow more time over
the holiday break for students and their recommended
ProblemSolvers to post their entries.

This past summer, held its first
$1,000 Scholarship Competition, and *a number of your
students participated.
*Please alert your students now *about this extended
opportunity to join in the competition, or to rate entries.
*This is a wonderful and efficient way to engage
your students in considering the critical issues
before us.*

Please email <> to let
us know when you have passed this information along.

We appreciate your help in getting the word out more
widely than we (as a new non profit) are able to,
and its all to benefit your students! <>

Our Voice Our Country's user-friendly, interactive and
non-partisan competitions invite college students from
across America to articulate what they believe to be an
urgent national problem, and to identify experts in the field
with achievable solutions. These accessible competitions
put your students' entries before a national audience,
eligible to become a People's Resolution, which would be
delivered to Congress for action, when we start our full process
in 2010.

Our first competition, held this past summer garnered
563 entries from all across America.
Winner Kelsey Price, a freshman at University of Utah
identified the FATA Region of Pakistan as her /Topic/;
and she proposed Hassan Abbas, a former police chief
from that region (now a fellow at Harvard's Kennedy
School of Government and Asia Society) as her

The story of the winning entry, including Dr. Abbas'
10 point plan to resolve conflict in the FATA region was
picked up by AP, featured in several newspapers, TV news,
on international blogs and online news pages. Honorable
Mention in the Summer competition went to Kelly Novinski at
Florida Atlantic Univeristy, who identified Wetland Preservation
as an urgent national issue.

Videos about their experience, posted by Kelsey and Kelly can
be viewed at the website.



" Add my name to your list of supporters, as I greatly
admire your efforts to engage young people in public
service. "
*- Jim Ramstad,
Republican Member of Congress (1990-2008)
*(Judge for Summer Competition)

"...a good way to hear many unspoken individuals
and their effective program
that needs to continue."
*- User comment 11/09

*"I love this site...y'all are great!"
*- User comment 11/09
"The website is amazing..I love the concept,
purpose and faith it shares with everybody."
*- User comment, 7/09 *

"The website and idea behind the initiative is
great and worth supporting indeed. A very
creative way to involve students and
encourage them to think about critical issues
faced by the U.S., in the domestic as well as
the international arena. "
- *Dr. Hassan Abbas, Fellow at Harvard's
Kennedy School of Government and
Asia Society
*(ProblemSolver for Winning Entry,
Summer Competition)

* <> provides the opportunity
for all Americans to express their concerns, gives
visibility to those ready to provide answers, and
clarifies what does, and what does not fly
in the 'Court of Public Opinion.'

/Our Voice Our Country/ was developed over the past
6 years, with endorsements and input from
Walter Cronkite, Yolanda King, Joanne Woodward,
Ruby Dee, Jane Alexander, judges, teachers,
lawyers, students, seniors, soldiers, current and
retired politicians, leaders of national non-partisan
organizations and dozens of blue and white collar
workers of all political parties and beliefs,
from across the Country.


  Connect with us:

Follow us on Twitter!Follow us on Twitter,
at OVOC <>

Follow us on Facebook!Become a fan,
at Our Voice Our Country <>

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  Contact Us:

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*|Outreach to College Presidents of Participating Students|*

Copyright (C) 2009 *|Our Voice Our Country|* All rights reserved.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

MEETING THURSDAY 12/10 E-105 @12:15

See you there :)

Link to kickoff information at Brophy College Prep (map below).

Kickoff will be on 1/9/2010 at 8:30am.
Workshops will be on 1/8/2010 at 6:00pm.

View Larger Map

Fwd: **FIRST EMAIL**/FRC Java Software Available/Important Site Updates/Deadline Reminders

Begin forwarded message:

From: frcteams <>
Date: December 3, 2009 12:00:19 PM MST
Subject: **FIRST EMAIL**/FRC Java Software Available/Important Site Updates/Deadline Reminders

Greetings Teams:
Once again we have a number of important deadline reminders and informational updates for you this week.  Please read on and continue to check the FRC 2010 News and Email Blasts page ( regularly for all of your important FRC news, reminders, and updates throughout the 2010 season.
An early version of the FRC Java software is now available for download at  Veteran teams, as you enjoy an early look at Java, please support rookie/returning teams in your area who don't have a 2009 control system or robot to utilize during this early release.
The FIRST 2009-10 Electronic Consent and Release Form is now available via the FIRST Student Team Members and Parents/Legal Guardians Information System.  To review information regarding this new system, as well as to access the downloadable Consent and Release Form, please visit:  
The Championship Housing site is now live and accessible at  
Keep in mind that the "Kit and Kickoff Preferences" section in TIMS will close Friday, December 4th, 2009 at 11:59 p.m. EST. To learn how to specify your Kit and Kickoff Preferences, read on here:
Remember that the payment deadline for your first Regional event is Friday, December 4th, 2009 at 11:59 p.m. EST.  If you have not already, please review our pricing structure and payment terms for the 2010 FRC Season here:   
Don't forget that Safety Animations must arrive at FIRST headquarters by December 7th, 2009 at 11:59 p.m. EST.  Contest details and entry forms are available here:
Go Teams!
FRC Team Support
FIRST™ (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology)
200 Bedford Street
Manchester, NH 03101
Phone: (603) 666-3906  Fax: (603) 666-3907